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Hitler tash

Shorthand for "Hitler's moustache". This describes a woman's pubic hair when she has shaved almost all of it off, leaving only a thin strip of hair covering her vulva.

So named for its similarity to Adolf Hitler's moustache, which was threefold:

a) It was also narrow and dark.
b) It also "lay above the lips".
c) It can move hypnotically, with a strange effect on the weak-minded.

I asked my first girlfriend if she would shave her beaver, and it turns out she was a member of PETA so I ended up getting slapped.

Then I asked my second girlfriend if she would shave her Map of Tasmania, and it turns out she was an Australian Aborigine so she cut me with a flint-knapped knife.

Last night I asked my third girlfriend to shave her Hitler tash, and she looked at me and said "I'm Jewish".

If the Mossad come looking for me, I'm not at home, okay?

by HMB May 23, 2007

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