Source Code


horny and bored

man im really hored right now.

by gavinpussyslayer January 8, 2018

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An epic fail that resulted from a typo of "Horse" in a children's essay, to humorous effect:

"Sticker Story -- Hores
I like hores. Hores have other hores frinds. Hores like carots. You woudn't think they coud but they can put thir legs strait up. Hores make you feel good. My dad wants a hores but my mom says no. When I am 16 or 20 I will buy my own hores."

Husband: Honey? I was thinking about buying a hores.
Wife: Absolutely not!
Husband: How about a horse?
Wife: Mmm... all right.

by Templarian February 2, 2009

275πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž


Actually thats the way "whore" is spelled in Norwegian...

Din jævla hore! = You fucking whore!

by schmelck February 16, 2004

666πŸ‘ 353πŸ‘Ž


A prostitute who cannot spell (like all prostitutes).

"I issa hore - gizza munny pleez and I gizza sex"

by Bastardized Bottomburp December 5, 2003

593πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž


Once upon a time, a girl named Jenny was welcomed to the world in 1996. She would be called a whore, so when she is in action, it would be called "Horing".

damn jenny, stop horing in front of me.

by tganz August 21, 2011

20πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


a bad spelling of "whore"

"she is such a hore"

by Ben February 8, 2003

252πŸ‘ 224πŸ‘Ž




by Hamoo22 December 28, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž