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Holdsworth is the famous last name of jazz guitarist Allan Holdsworth from England. His fans include Van Halen, Stone Temple Pilots and Red Hot Chili Peppers to name a few. Allan has been called one of the greatest guitar players of all time.

Check out Allan Holdsworth on You Tube.

by Holdsworth Fan June 27, 2008

15👍 3👎


to be a sexy twat with an attitude and looks that can blow anyone away but with a temper that makes you run a mile if you've done something wrong to them

you better run you just messed with a holdsworth

by xxxxxxxxh December 21, 2011

19👍 13👎


When a guy is about to finish jacking off and a female gets in the way by either walking in or interrupting, but instead of leaving in an embarrassed way, she comes over and holds his dick aggressively.

SJAC: So you had some fun time home alone last night?
Zak: Oh mate the girl from next door came in while I was at it, and it was a bit of a Jack-Holdsworth situation :(

by SJAC August 18, 2017

Rubie Holdsworth

An amazing girl who is absolutely gorgeous. However she does have her flaws, she’ll laugh at anything, is super immature, cry’s at any sad movie for longer than needed, can’t hack the sesh, and she has smelly farts. Normally a rubie holdsworth has an annoying partner in crime just like shrek and donkey. If you are a rubie holdsworth then you probably get messed around by everything single boy on the planet and think your hilarious. If you have a rubie holdsworth in your life keep them close because there cool but i feel sorry for you because you are about to get annoyed the hell out of.

Oliverwoahhh look at that retard over there’

Me ‘yeah it’s a rubie holdsworth

by a really cool dude April 13, 2020


Isobelle Holdsworth lOl, such a strange one.

Person one - er mate wtf this girl was being bare strange today.
My mom- must be my little Isobella Holdsworth xoxoxox bless her soul lol xd

by Anonymous Angel😈 June 13, 2019