Source Code

holla at ya boy

to call or catch up with.

yo you going to the cub? "yea"
aight then holla at ya boy when you get there.

by gee money September 6, 2003

295👍 95👎

holla at ya boy

Bringing people to the realization that you're the shit and not to be fucked with.

Guy: " Nick, yer the biggest asshole, what a dick you are, fuck you man."

Nick: "yea mother fucker, holla at ya boy!"

by NyNiCk June 22, 2004

149👍 151👎

holla at ya boy

Farewell; I'll see you later

Mike: I'm going to go eat some twix eh!!!

Response: Holla at ya' boy

by Gregg January 16, 2004

98👍 100👎

holla at ya boy

big up your self
(address somone)

me:holla at ya boy
bob:yes, holla at ya boy to.

by no, whats your name September 7, 2003

28👍 104👎