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Homer Simpson Syndrome

When a wife consciously or subconsciously considers her husband stupid, or oafish. She does not respect her husband. She lacks faith in her husband's ability to lead. It can be brought on by financial hardships, infedelity, the opinions of others outside the marriage, and western culture among other things and can be present prior to marriage. Occasionally, it is laying dormant from prior relationships.
Symtoms include:

Disagreement with any point the husband brings up whether it be for future plans, current events or general opinion on any given subject without logical counterpoint.

Vague answers to questions where the answer is obvious are rendered simply to be in disagreement.

Public acts of insubordination.
Belligerent verbal or physical assaults.

The therapist told her that she had developed a severe case of Homer Simpson Syndrome after her husband lost his job.

by CYLAIS September 17, 2023

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