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New word - HopShop-Silvers

Brief Description/meaning - Is a combination of two words describing a trend that boomed among the senior citizens mainly during the 2020 Corona pandemic lock down.

The ‘HopShop-Silvers' describes seniors who learned to use the Internet for comparison food/groceries shopping during the corona pandemic. Now, they simply enjoy spending a whole lot of time hopping (online) from stores to stores doing comparison shopping like before; only now they do it sitting at home comfortably without a mask and like to talk about their experiences on the phone excitedly.

Other forms of usage - Idiom/phrase - ‘Hopping Shopping Silvers

Parts of speech - Noun

Usage in a sentence - I hadn't seen elderly Mr. and Mrs. S recently. They used to go to all different stores in the neighborhood every week, compare prices, check expiration dates, etc. before buying any food item. They still do that . Only, now they proudly call themselves, HopShop-Silvers.

by Jonakilit September 24, 2020