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Horny Gorilla

The act of doing a one-arm lock-off or pull up while masturbating with the other hand.
The act of doing this in public is called a Harmabe.

Harry: Ewan, I heard you did a horny gorilla on the tram.
Ewan: Nah mate did a Harambe

by GORILLA GAINZ June 4, 2021

Horny Gorilla

The act of doing a one-arm lock-off or pull up while masturbating with the other hand. Doing this act in public is called a Harambe

Harry: Ewan, heard you did a horny gorilla on the tram.
Ewan: Nah mate I did a Harambe

by GORILLA GAINZ June 4, 2021

6👍 1👎

Horny Gorilla

In skydiving, a freefall formation, in which 4-8 skydivers start docked in a star, and hook their feet together in the center.

Hey! Let's do a horny gorilla and pull before 4000!

by Chris Carmon August 30, 2006

24👍 11👎