lil tony’s older cousin who has a brethren named huge Toni.
Unlike lil tony, huge Tony is the gayest brethren around. If he don’t fuck with you then good luck finding business in his streets.
Guy 1: huge tony is still on the move
Guy 2: yeah I hope we good with him
Guy 1: why’s that
Guy 2: I heard he publicly executes niggas who he don’t fuck with
Guy 1: I heard he’s gay eww
Guy 2: nigga it’s 2018 what’s wrong with you
Huge tony owns the upper ranks of the nypd
huge tony’s brother from another mother. Straitest nigga you’ll ever meet and if you spit in his food he’ll find out why before burning you to death
Guy 1: wow this guy has been obliterated
Guy 2: probably spat at huge Toni
Guy 1: why burn the dude
Guy 2: I believe huge Toni’s father was burnt alive by the mayor’s gang at the time this is his way of retaliating
Guy 1: huge Toni hit me up yesterday wants me to help him kill the mayor
Guy 2: this nigga’s on Ecstasy
huge toni doesn't give a fuck about you