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What be makin farts stank.

Hydrogen-sulfide is what be makin farts stank.

by LidaMif March 19, 2010

71👍 3👎

hydrogen sulfide

A gas which is highly flammable, toxic and smelly in nature. By fermenting poo you can make some of this.
It is used to describe:
1. Some useless thing which is only used to detect danger. (It has strong odor and highly toxic)
2. Something really cringeworthy with a notable presence. (A revolting odor with toxin)
3. Really annoying thing you cannot get rid of. (It's a gas)
4. Convincing them to suicide, by intaking this gas, which will kill you in minutes.
5. Describing things that belongs to a lower class, as hydrogen sulfide is present near ocean beds to feed the organisms down there, which is low-class.
In chemistry its formula is H2S.

The PewDiePie fanbase is getting cancerous as ever, it is nothing other than hydrogen sulfide.

by A dying goat September 7, 2017

6👍 2👎

Hydrogen sulfide

Chemical formula H2S, also known as sulfane, dihydrogen sulfide and sulfur hydride. It is an inorganic, colorless, weakly acidic, flammable, highly toxic gas that smells like rotten eggs. It is found in trace amounts in farts which is why they smell so bad sometimes. These amounts are too small to cause any harm, as hydrogen sulfide can already be detected by the human nose at concentrations below 0.1 ppm. The famous chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele was the first to discover and isolate the gas in 1777. The gas can be created by reacting iron sulfide aka pyrite with hydrochloric acid (any concentration). This should however, never be done even by experienced chemists. The gas is highly toxic and even in presence of a fume hood, harmful concentrations could still escape, and the gas wont really escape quickly from the lab as its slightly heavier than air. Also, even if the concentration was not harmful, who wants their laboratory to stink like farts? Nobody. Also it could minimally interfere with reactions. So please don't make hydrogen sulfide. Now, does hydrogen sulfide have any uses? Well, not really. It's only useful in chemistry and making some reagants, but other than that, it plays no role in everyday life.

Max: We accidentally made hydrogen sulfide and had to evacuate the entire lab....
Thomas: Seriously mate?

by LegacyFilet July 7, 2024