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A psychological nightmare affecting the penis, where the urethra opens up somewhere along the shaft. Typically comes with a host of plagues, such as small penis size, flattened glans, and chordee. There's also the emotional, sexual, and physical toll. It's a curse.

You're looking up the definition of hypospadias on the UD instead of, say, Google. You obviously are like me, hoping that, unlike the many other sources you've scoured, this one will have something different. Well. This may be your lucky day. I have done my research, as a sufferer myself, and I think there may soon be hope for men like us.

Research is in development on a phenomenon dubbed "the lab grown penis." Sounds like science fiction, but it's becoming a reality. Slowly. I can't provide links on this website, but you simply need to Google "lab grown penis," and you'll find all of the information you need. Let guys like us hope that this technology pans out.

Start from there. Search the Internet. Don't lose hope. We might be normal again someday.

by Wingman88 February 15, 2017


A deformity of the wordpenis/word, in which the wordurethra/word opens upon its under surface.

Look at his penis, he's got hypospadias!

by jmm July 4, 2003

6👍 4👎


A medical condition, occurring in about 1 in 300 live male births, in which the urethra opens somewhere between the underside of the head and the base of the penile shaft. Much more common than the opposite condition in which the opening is on the top of the shaft (epispadias), this condition is often accompanied by micropenis (extremely small penis size) and cryptorchism (the lack of one or both testicles). Mild cases (where the hole is closer to the tip) are easily corrected by surgery while severe cases may lead to confusion about the sex of the child at birth. If left untreated, such penises may experience chordee (extreme curvature during erection), thus preventing normal entercourse and sexual reproduction.

When I read that Adolf Hitler may have been affected by hypospadias, micropenis, and cryptorchism, it was no mystery to me why he wanted his body cremated after he committed suicide on April 30, 1945. After all, what kind of a message would it have sent to his "Aryan" race of people if their "Fuehrer" were discovered to have had a 1" penis with an empty scrotum and a hole on the underside of the shaft?

by Iris O. M. September 7, 2007

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