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I'm Him

Reference in Basketball, meaning your that guy. Or that you are valid.

I'm Him! I'm a bucket getter

by Ballislife213 May 5, 2022

215👍 24👎

I'm Him

He actually says it in the show!? Blue lock is fucking tight dawg. I need to watch it. Soccer officially a real sport. I'll even call it "Futball"... But only once...

Hym "AYYY My man is calling people retards and saying 'I'm Him'? That show is probably great. I need to get a crunchyroll account."

by Hym Iam March 2, 2023

8👍 42👎

i'm him

"I'm him" is a slogan used by recording artist Kevin Gates.

Him is an abbreviation and stands for "his/her imperial majesty".

I'm him. His imperial majesty.

by Hello beautiful world November 7, 2019

47👍 88👎

I'm Him

A phrase yelled by athletes in celebration after making a game winning shot or a big play. Him is reference to the man, the one, that nigga, the GOAT, whatever someone thinks they are. I'm Him means I'm not you, because you suck. i won SO I'm him and you ain't shit.

"I'm Him, Im that muther fucka!" -Lebron James

by fuckhand February 10, 2024