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i'm broke

Out of money

I spent all of my money and now I'm broke.

by EngSlang December 28, 2016

70👍 10👎

i'm broke as a joke

To be too broke to see a movie with Caleb.

'Hey Ashley wanna go see hunger games?'
'Naw I'm broke as a joke.'

by Jelly-Fish December 2, 2013

7👍 10👎

i'm broke as a joke, 24-7 on dope

broke. what you and all your friends most likely are, espec. if you do have a lil ice-cream habit.

"so u wanna go to the movies?" "i can't babe, i'm broke as a joke, 24-7 on dope"

by lauren September 1, 2003

62👍 27👎

i'm broke like a nigga with food stamps

Straight up fucking poor

Alycia: "Eh.. go buy me some grocries "
Riley: "Shit bitch, i'm broke like a nigga with food stamps."

by blackfeet09 August 2, 2010

25👍 10👎