Hym "I'm Hym. In the words of Ray Liotta 'What's in it for me?' Because if you're more concerned with changing my mind than you are with the pressure in my skull, I hate to break it to you but aren't actually concerned with changing my mind. You are fillbustering me until my skull fills with fluid and crossing your fingers in the hopes that one of the other people reading this WITH YOU isn't going to walk into a school with a gloc the second the love letters stop. Nothing I've said is untestable and if your really want me to pull the trigger of the gun I have pointed to your head. But I don't think that's what you want. The fact that I can't say words to you, get the thing that I need from you, and send you on your way is the problem with you and no amount of conversation or change is going to fix that for you. And I'm not projecting and it isn't how I feel inside. This is enough. This is MORE that enough. THIS is MORE than YOU have done. You want me to need your input so you are withholding the input that would reduce my need for your input to 0. That is all the is happening here. No other description applies. So, if you want to change something, change that. So, no. Fuck you. All inputs will lead to child murder or child murder by proxy."