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I'm literally a communist

A phrase originally uttered by British journalist, activist, academic and all-around legend Ash Sarkar in response to the odious Piers Morgan shouting accusations at and over her during an interview on Good Morning Britain, and wielded against him to great effect thereafter. It is known to exert a kryptonite-like effect on right-wing media hacks along with people who believe the USSR famine (so-called "Holodomor") was a genocide, keep revising the so-called "death toll" of communism further and further upwards, and/or peddle the utterly ridiculous belief that communism and fascism are one and the same, among others. Use wisely, for it is particularly destructive to incels who flood this website with duplicate definitions to make themselves feel better whilst sleeping alone at night.

"I'm not pro-Obama; I've been a critic of Obama, and a critic of the Democratic Party, because I'm literally a communist!"

by Punch Nazis, Gulag Tories January 24, 2019

250👍 117👎

I'm literally a communist

A term used to admit you're retarded, ignorant, supportive of dictatorships or possibly all three.

Gained infamy from a Guardian writer (see brain dead) named Ash Sarkar when she yelled it in response to Piers Morgan suggesting she loved Obama.

Ash Sarkar (alongside the many morons circle jerking of her "slap down" of Piers Morgan) claims to be against fascism, racism and oppression but communism has been responsible for the biggest suffering in human history causing Holodomor in the USSR which led to more deaths than even the Holocaust.

Communism installs a dictatorship, censors the media, imprisons political opposition and bans "wrong think" (so anything opposed or contrary to the communistic ideology of the state). In other words, it's little different than Nazism and thus fascism, those who say otherwise will claim willful ignorance to communism's principles and crimes against humanity often arguing "true communism has never been tested."

It has been tested and is still in place in a country like North Korea. Anyone yelling "I'm literally a communist" like Ash should receive a one way ticket to there and that includes half of the zombified users on the unitedkingdom and London reddit subs who honestly think communism can work.

Brain dead woman aka Ash Sarkar: "I'm literally a communist enjoying the free speech I can only have in a democracy!"

Twitter braindead communists: "Us too! Communism works...except when it didn't...which has been all the time...b-but one day it will when we get the right guy controlling absolutely everything! Now...where were we? Oh yes...down with fascism..."

by Smash Communism July 14, 2018

176👍 330👎

I'm literally a communist

Said by a pro-communist journalist in the UK called Ash Sarkar in response to Piers Morgan suggesting she was a fan of Obama.

Used later by her and her mindless incel fans, applauding her in unison like mindless sheep and denying Holodomor was a genocide (see the other definition here from "Punch Nazis, Gulag Tories" for proof of that and their mindlessness), to suggest we should all give up our rights and freedoms for the dictatorship that communism would impose.

Punch Nazis, Gulag Tories: "I'm literally a communist! Just look at my name, I advocate sending people to the Soviet equivalent of concentration camps because I disagree with them!" yelled "Punch Nazis, Gulag Tories" before he was punched out by a sane person.

by Labour supporters eat dicks January 10, 2019

53👍 210👎

I'm Literally A Communist

Another way of saying "I'm a feeble-minded piece of crap". Typically uttered by cringey self-styled wannabe Commies, "Tankie" idiots and autist ANTIFA weaklings whilst they look at their Iphones and sip their soy lattes from Starbucks, taking advantage of the fruits of Capitalism and the free speech (and the Police they despise, usually) which protects them whilst spouting a lot of seditious gibberish and feigned solidarity with the working class, likely out of guilt of being from a wealthy family, notice how few of them work, unlike we of the working class, who are just trying to get by, and actually hate those clowns because we're very patriotic.

Most infamously said by Ash "I'm literally a Communist" Sarkar, a brain-dead aspie who hates this country and thinks we're so bad, yet won't buy a one-way ticket to somewhere like Venezuela, North Korea or Red China and move her sorry carcass there and be amongst her "comrades" over there, even though 98% of Britons would gladly buy the ticket and tell her not to let the door hit her on the arse on the way out. Seriously, Sarkar, from the British working class, FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. we don't want you here.

"I'm Literally a Communist" said mongoloidic Guardianista Ash Sarkar, as she enjoyed the fruits of our Capitalist system, such as computers, wealth, having enough to eat, a "smart" phone, the internet, free speech, holidays, whilst at the same crapping all over we, the British working class, GTFO out of our country, you aren't wanted here!

by Wardie1993 August 16, 2023