a special person who can achieve great things; the one for a job, The MAN, one who reigns superior to all others
Latarian: Yo when I get that job interview I'm gonna convince the hiring manager that I'm that nigga.
Bob: You aint shit!
Joe: Dude, I pushed 20 ki's last week... I'm that nigga.
82👍 16👎
Shouted by a passerby in Myrtle Beach that apparently got arrested for doing that.
5👍 1👎
A meme started years ago. 2015-2016
Tim: Im gay
Kevin: I'm bi
Jerry: I'm les
Tyrone: I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher
67👍 7👎
Alycia: "Eh.. go buy me some grocries "
Riley: "Shit bitch, i'm broke like a nigga with food stamps."
25👍 10👎