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I See Red

A twin-stick shooter roguelite for PC and consoles, about a man that kills everyone and everything, wrecking spaceship after spaceship in search of vengeance. He is so angry that the only colors he can see are black, white and blood red, hence the name of the game.

Matthew: "Have you played I See Red? I got it yesterday on Steam."
Viktor: "No, I saw the trailer a while ago. Is it good?"
Matthew: "RAGING GOOD!!!!"

by raeldym September 10, 2022

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I see red

The way when duke depp has his led lights off and puts the song β€œi see red by everyone loves an outlaw” and puts red lighting on his apple computer and makes us simps/fans go crazy and starts to screen record.

Hey siri play i see red

🎢did u really think. I just forgive and forget? Noooo🎢

by kidcoreduke // Haylea March 20, 2021

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I see Red

This is a song that a guy name Duke Depp dances to on his livestream while grinding on his chair

Person 1. Did you see that Duke Depp livestream last night?

Person 2 omg yes the I see red performance was amazing

by Cola.depp May 14, 2021

i see red

a song by Everybody Loves an Outlaw that is a popular sexual song on tiktok, and was in the extremely explicit movie 365 Days, the song is typically played in a room where the owner of the room has red LED stripped lights, and normally sexual things happen then.

girl 1: god i wanna do things with him
girl 2: oooo i see red type of moment hehe?
girl 1: ugh yes, and my led lights set to red
girl 2: SO HOT

by December 28, 2021

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i see red

wanting to fuck someone in the ass

boyfriend:i see red baby”

by yarseeee December 8, 2020

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