Source Code

I out

Contracted form of the phrase 'I'm out', a simple proclamation that you want nothing to do with what you were just told about or witnessed.

Jim: "Hey Patrick, have you heard about the new Metallica/ Lou Reed collaboration?"

Patrick: "I out"

by fisher64 October 30, 2011

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I's out

1. A way to announce your departure. Short for I is out; it involves being ignant on purpose because gramatically it should be "I am out".

2. Can be used at the end of a txt conversation.

1. Alright guys, it's getting late, I's out.

2. Rose: I'll talk to you later, I's out.
Niesz: Peace.

by Niesz November 6, 2006

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When text message auto-correct/complete goes horribly wrong.

Amy: what's up?

by DJ Pet November 4, 2010

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I opt out

to all my fans I do my best to support and entertain you all but this has gone a bit far. You are all awesome people โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ˜€

I opt out

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 28, 2019

Thanks, I work Out

1. Use this phrase to counter any verbal insults or attack, even when it doesn't make sense. Putting your opponent or enemy in a state of laughter, confusion or hysteria.

"Your fat and ugly and no one loves you!"

"Thanks, I work Out


"Your mom is retarded!"

"Thanks, I work out.

by Forgewolf January 22, 2017

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i am out straight

way too busy as in totally scheduled

I am out straight and can't finish the job until next month!

by mike rekola July 14, 2006

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I shat it out

A phrase used to drive off annoying people who keep asking you where you got something.

(Guy 1 is busy playing games on a new phone)

Guy 2: Dude, where did you get that cool new cellphone?

Guy 1: I shat it out. Now fuck off

(Guy 2 walks away)

by KNCVBKK June 22, 2011

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