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I Power

A lifestyle that promotes 3 main/central ideas.
1. Be Open Minded
2. Active Thinking
3. Putting your ideas into practice
These ideas were coined by AtheneWins on youtube

I Power can change the way you look at life.

by Jameslolz April 12, 2008

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I Power

A philosophical system conceived by the administation of movielol, that is allegedly the primary purpose of the Athene series (that is, the series was made to eventually promote I Power) that stresses three basic principles:
Being open minded
Actively thinking
And putting your vision into practice

My understanding of I Power wont permit me to continue smoking, sorry guys.

by maxwell hansen March 22, 2008

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Power I

formation of cups in a game of Beer Pong in a straight line that looks like an "I". By some, it has been incorrectly called a "Coke Line".

Me: "Yo man, we only got cups left how you want to set them up?"
BP Partner: "Let's go with the Power I."

by Filippo Berio August 11, 2008

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power i

one in possession of fifty hoes

When you think you have it all, you don't even compare to the power i.

by James Corvarse January 20, 2005

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i can the power

Phrase used when somebody has epically won or has been given internetz

originated when a user on funnyjunk.com left the word "feel" out of the sentence "I can feel the power returning already"

John-That was awesome dude, you receive 10 internetz!


by fjUSER August 16, 2010

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I can the power

An internet meme that originated from Funnyjunk.com. It's a fuck-up of the sentence 'I can feel the power'. It's used when someone, for some reason, is experiencing a rise in energy levels, such as when they're FIRING THAR LAZ0R, or have just done something cool or amazing.

Guy 1- "Dude, you just jumped that bridge in one leap! You must be an hero!"

Guy 2- "I CAN THE POWER!!!!11one!1"

by Eddoblah August 16, 2010

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I wanted more power to win!

This means that basically Integrator and Boomser are cockarses who cant even buy Macdonalds and watch out, they will glock your kneecaps off.

"Stupid cockslapping dickmunchers, go suck some cawk"

by yEE March 19, 2003

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