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I wAnT tHeM tO sUfFeR

I won't do it alone.

A Retard "I wAnT tHeM tO sUfFeR!!! My DaUgHtEr'S nOt A sLuT!"

Hym "Suchir Balaji's family will be doing it with me. I'm glad you brought this up. How many innocent people suffer with me? You don't care. You just demand sympathy for your kids and THIS is exactly why you don't deserve it. Which one of you is going to be the next Suchir? I won't suffer alone. It'll you and your the second family the second I get the upper hand OR it'll be the family of the kid who pays the price for WHAT you are doing. And all the while your kids are going to be getting fucked and slaughtered. You're going to be hanging yourself. Like Suchir. But you know what you COULD do? Instead of killing yourself? You could always take it out on the breeder filth how make the world this way. You'd be doing me and yourself a favor. You'd make the world a better place."

by Hym Iam February 9, 2025