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I Wanna Be The Guy

A very challenging (To the point of insane frustration) freeware video game made by Kaiyan. The idea is you take the place of "The Kid" and travel through worlds to kill and claim the title of "The Guy." The game uses a metroidvania style map, as in you can freely travel up, left, down, and right to explore a giant map while the game play can be described as Megaman-esque (You are able to jump and shoot..that is just about it). Most of the areas, bosses, and music are borrowed from classic video games such as Tetris, Mario, Street Fighter, and even Metal Gear. It should be noted once again that the game is frustratingly hard but is also a lot of fun if you happen to enjoy old video games. Google "I wanna be the guy" and click on the first link to download it. Note: There are harder games out there, probably the worst I've played was the Super Mario Bros. hack named "Super Mario Forever" not recommended..not fun.

I have 2329 recorded deaths on I Wanna Be The Guy. I am currently facing The Guy!

by Grand_Monarch June 26, 2009

97👍 6👎

I wanna be the guy

IWBTG is a very hard video game where everything can and will try to kill y- *SPLAT*


I just died again on I Wanna Be The Guy.

by Edrobot August 25, 2009

53👍 8👎

I wanna be the guy

The most ridiculously difficult video game in the (known) universe.

Honestly if you find one harder than this please contact me because goddamn.

I wanna be the guy can be downloaded for free by typing it into google.

by why the hell do I need a name February 14, 2009

67👍 18👎

I Wanna Be The Guy

Was once considered one of the hardest games of all time due to its ludicrous trial-and-error gameplay, combined with bullet hell, misleading graphics, traps that are impossible to find out without dying to them first, the ability to die AFTER THE ENDING CREDITS, requiring you to beat the brutal final boss all over again...you get it.

It was released around the same time as the first Kaizo Mario; together, they created a genre of video games centered around being as infuriatingly difficult as possible.

Nowadays, it's still considered hard, but far from one of the hardest games ever. If you know the game inside and out, it's actually not terribly difficult. That, and the numerous fangames that completely and utterly trounce it in difficulty make it quite outdated.

Here's to I Wanna Be The Guy (and Kaizo Mario)

For making people wanna tear their hair out.

by Someone who kinda exists May 25, 2024