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I wasn't born yesterday

Something you say in order to tell someone that you are not stupid and are not easily deceived.

Mom: Timmy, what was that sound?
Timmy: Idk mom, it was probably Johnny masturbating again.
Mom: I wasn't born yesterday. Get your damn girlfriend out of your room.

by susanandvictor4eva April 24, 2015

36👍 4👎

I wasn't born yesterday

A phrase meaning (often used sarcastically), i appreciate it, but please stop giving me advice, I know what I am doing.

Mother: Adrian go take a shower, then do your homework, not the other way a round.

Adrian: mom, I wasn't born yesterday, I will take a shower when I feel its appropriate, besides, i have this paper to finish writing for tomorrow.

by Sexydimma January 18, 2013

44👍 25👎

I wasn't born yesterday

A phrase meaning , please stop giving me advice, I know what I am doing.

Mother. Adrian go take a shower, then do your homework, not the other way round.

Adrian. Mother., I wasn't born yesterday, I will take a shower when I feel its appropriate.

by Sexydimma January 11, 2013