A friendly morning greeting used all over the world. Same as top of the morning, but it's just in the morning. Usually used around 9 or 10 am.
John: In the morning Adam!
Adam: In the morning John!
270๐ 31๐
An utterly beautiful human being. Handsome, loving, caring. Mornรฉ has a kind-hearted soul that is reflected in everything that he does.
He has a way of brightening your day with his positive outlook towards life and all that it represents.
That said, do not understimate him in the bedroom.
(gentleman), (sexgod), (Morne)
225๐ 39๐
This morning ..
Confirmed ..
Why even bother keep writing now I know you speak total shit?
This morning
Just like every other
Hope your evening was just as deep ..
28๐ 5๐
the worst time of day, mostly described as the time you have to wake up to get to your piece of shit job or the time of day when your passed out on a stranger's house.
dude 1: "yo u totally crashed on my couch last night"
dude 2: "sorry i just found out this morning"
dude 1: "dude u fucked my sister"
285๐ 89๐
A greeting that can be used at any time of day, even if it isnt morning. Can confuse people but is the easiest non thinking way to say hello.
Jeff: Hey john
John: morning
Jeff: Dude, its 5 in the evening...
John: meh...
142๐ 53๐
A period of time that is said to last from 5-7 AM to 12 PM. It is unknown whether this is true or not, as during weekdays, we lose consciousness of time at school or at work until noontime finally happens, and during the weekends, we spend this time of the day sleeping.
Someone said I'd regret that tomorrow morning, but it's okay. It will be Saturday tomorrow, so I'll just have to sleep until noon.
I had a test this morning. It was long. It also was difficult, as I was still half asleep.
18๐ 4๐