A word instagram users use to describe themselves to make them feel famous and more important when no one really know who they are or care, usually the type of people that call themselves foodies and post pictures of their avocado and toast cause they can't really do anything else interesting, usually also post their last holiday asking someone to #takemeback
*example Instgram bio*
John Doe, Blogger, Foodie, Traveller, Influencer
Guy A: So you're an influencer eh, tell me how many peoples lives you've changed by posting a picture of your breakfast
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Someone with no influence whatsoever.
Lisa says she is now an influencer on social media. She is the first to think of herself in that way.
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A makeup, hairstyle, or fashion blogger who is instafamous only on Instagram or buys "followers" and "likes" and gets free products from companys who fall in their trap of fake fame.
Jeff: "So, what do you do for a living?"
Becky: "Im an influencer, I have 200k followers."
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A prominent figure on a social media platform whom generally exchanges financial instruments or special benefits for endorsements; Influencers are not averse to blackmailing, threatening, and denouncing businesses should their demands be met with resistance.
See also: Freeloader, Attention Whore, Blackmail, Threats, Denouncement, Entitled, Spoiled, Unethical Behavior, Occupations for Middle School Dropouts with GPAs Below 2, Trash, Whore, Trash Whore.
Person 1: So are you up to these days?
Person 2: Well I'm officially an influencer with 50,000 followers on Instagram.
Person 1: Have you ever thought of seeking professional help?
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Usually the worst type of people you can meet: narcissistic, preach how others should live their lives, and only became famous on the internet because they happened to be born with an appearance which is considered "conventionally attractive" by most of society.
See also: unemployed
Me: Hi, what do you do for a living?
Influencer: I'm a social media influencer
Me: There's a jobcentre as soon as you turn right at the top of the road.
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Jessica thinks she provides useful fashion advice, but she's just another one of those social media influencers.
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A probable description towards certain but not all, however most is a tool who believes their following size is their absolute bank account. Look down on those who has average followers. Preaches on humility when they genuinely only engage with other influencers with same rank of social capital. Use their position to market products blatantly with minimal creativity and maximum superficiality so that they get more reach. The problem with this strategy is that audience usually have poor lifespan on the product and the person themselves.
I can't talk to John anymore. We used to be friends but now that he's an influencer, he won't talk to me eventhough I'm a Senior Executive of a local bank and he's some ordinary sales assistant outside.
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