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Someone with beautiful eyes. Sometimes appears quiet, but get to know them and they are creative and inspirational.
Kind and considerate, doesn't lets others walk over him.
Like to listen to music that does not reflect his true personality.

Girl: ianis has beautiful eyes
Ianis: thanks babe

by Baby feet123 March 20, 2018

62πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A boy that is your friend for so long, but pisses you off everyday, but for fun. Takes a lot of punches from you, and is a artist

This dude is a Ianie

by thehayward December 9, 2017

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


He’s a shy and also an antisocial,he doesn't respect girls but it can be often a good friend/boyfriend,never trust him,but a succesful youtuber sometimes!

Ex girlfriend:Hey Ianis sup?

Ianis:Let me in peace,I don’t care about you!I’m a youtuber

by ToxiccRanya November 1, 2019

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


The name comes from Greek and was adapted by Romanians in 1872.
β€œIa-ni” Ia means smart and in means guy.

β€œYou heard about that smart guy?”
β€œYou mean Iani?”

by BossManOPko May 25, 2021

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Ianis is freinds with everyone, he is freinds with you, your worst enemy, your mother and most likely the prime minister. He has no bias when it comes to debates as he is on everyone's side. He is a good person but is tired constantly and can barely get through a conversation.

Guy 1: do you know ianis?
Guy 2: who dosent?

by Keylord31 August 14, 2023


He’s so fine i could cry.. pretty boy , with pretty hair and pretty eyes.. and a delightful talent for football. I want him to want me ..i need him to need me ,id love him to love me, im begging him to beg me; id do everything to get to know him and give him a star from the sky. I want him 2 kidnap me nd keep me forever. I knew i loved him b4 i met him

Chick : bro who s that chocolate boy ova there
chick 2 : thats Ianis.. an angel on earth

by 100percentabadbitch November 21, 2021


he is the most handsome and heartwarming. Iani has curly hair and cherish his ladies

Wow! Iani is beautiful

by ianibledard November 22, 2021