Source Code


Ireland Boys Productions, the buds One Hit Rick and Ninja Nick.
Comes up with the softest, hottest merch in the game

Kid: Man, I can't stop watching IBP! It's so fun to watch!

by jellyyt January 31, 2020

23👍 3👎


When a poster submits a post and another poster posts saying the she is "In Before Poll." Also, just post whoring sometimes.

This is most common with the many vBulletin forums since they have you post, then create a poll after you submit the thread.

"Hey guys, do you like cookies, pick an option!!!"

Poster2: "IBP"

by Daniel Stanley August 9, 2005

14👍 5👎


International Bullshit Program

ISP has lots of IBP courses

by DJ Biceps March 28, 2007

7👍 5👎


Instant Boob Pain


by SwaggyMaster6969669 June 10, 2015

4👍 5👎


Invision Power Boards.

Software that drives many popular forums.

<h4x0rd00t123> Yo what kind of forum was that
<s8k0r_boi69> IBP
<h4x0rd00t123> Can I hack that shit
<s8k0r_boi69> no lol wtf

by brahm2 September 29, 2003

5👍 17👎


Nicholas "Nick" Ireland and Richard "Ricky" Ireland, better known collectively as the Ireland Boys, are American YouTubers.

IBP stands for Ireland Boy’s Productions.

I love IBP YT

by Α January 25, 2022