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Im a retard who doesnt know english

"Idealistically I shoudln't have failed my final"
"Idealistically is a word I just made it up"

by Horned Koala June 14, 2018

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who believes that life should be lived as they like. Many hippies and hermits were idealistic, only this is only a portion. Morals may interfere with total idealism, especially if certain things were instilled in one as a child as being "bad". This results in guilt for doing "wrong" things, although some are able to overcome this and live their life to the fullest they think is possible.

Screw my condescending parents and their morals, I'm idealistic and don't want to be a mindless, robotic fool that conforms to every new trend!

by generation-late-hippie July 25, 2006

181๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who thinks everyone should think like them, and that how they think is absolute.
They are more likely to be called "delusional", even when they are right sometimes. They are also someone who's bound to be disappointed in the whole world after they give up on their endless pursuit of changing the world, even if their intentions are most noble. They are prone to using substances for coping up with the harsh reality they live in because it cripples their soul when they can't do anything about it.

The average person can't survive as a 100% idealist. Some amount of realism must be adopted. Otherwise you're just a hippy.

For instance,

I'm not an idealist when I'm writing this definition.

by chillnonymous March 30, 2022

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


"An idealist is a cynic in the making." --HL Mencken

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

by Killing Kittens March 18, 2005

186๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is absorbed with living life the way they perceive it should be. They purposely overlook the darkness of human nature in favor of seeing everyone in an unrealistically good light. To an idealistic, there are no such things as bad people. There are only bad situations people are in that force them to act a certain way. Finally, an idealistic is someone who expects the best from people, not realizing that not everyone is willing to give up their time or money as willing as they are.

Idealist: Okay guys, everyone just needs to bring one dollar to school tomorrow to save someone's life!
the next day~
Idealist: Why did no one bring any money!
Student 1: I'm sorry, I forgot!
Student 2: I accidentally spent it on a candy bar this morning
Idealist: Guys! Come on, how could you. . .
Student 1: It's your fault for being so idealistic.You couldn't have really expected everyone to give a dollar away.

by jasonthehero95 April 9, 2011

100๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who acts, speaks or thinks in regards to how things should be, rather than how they are. Idealistic individuals are usually in total denial about the real nature of life and it's workings, instead espousing some kind of misguided oprah-esque, political correct nonsense instead.

Idealistic person1: "socialism roxx becuz its not fair that not everyone's rich and rich people should give their money to the poor! Yay Obama!!"

Realistic person:" I put myself through school, got a good job, and worked hard for years to get promoted, and now my money is being taken by uncle sam to give to people who never cared about bettering themselves."

Idealistic person: "Lesbians can be just like anyone else, they don't all look like men!"

Fact: 98% of true lesbians are obese and have crew cuts.

Idealistic person: "people shouldn't judge other people! we are all the same! Don't criticize other people! grow up!"

(then runs off to laugh at someone on american idol after downvoting another person's youtube video.)

by Julie-K March 8, 2010

62๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž

Armchair idealist

There are three types of people in the world: people who care, people who couldn't care less, and armchair idealists. Armchair idealists are by far the most annoying. These people love to comment and criticise others' appalling behaviour yet refrain from actually moving from their seats and doing something about it. This can commonly apply to issues such as the environment, world peace, starving children, etc.

Armchair idealist, carrying plastic bags in each hand: "You should always use reusable shopping bags!"

by John Wilson 099 February 6, 2008

35๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž