An Identity Check is the first thing two people do when they see one another, even if they never speak to one another, is evaluate who the other person is and how powerful that person is. The second thing every person who interacts with another person in any way does is impose an identity on the other person, and they do that by telling the other person who they think that person is by the way they treat them.
When the identity another person indirectly, subtly, but firmly imposes on another person matches the identity that person has of themselves, or is close to the one they are working to attain, the person will continue interacting with the person who is imposing that desired identity on them. When the identity being imposed is different than the one that person has of themselves or is working to attain, that person will stop interacting with the person or the people who attempt to impose an identity the person does not agree with or like.
Sharon and Jane silently conducted an Identity Check on one another. As soon as they were introduced to one another by Bob McDonald, they continued evaluating one another and soon started to impose an identity on one another. Jane agreed with the identity Sharon was imposing on her, but Sharon did not like the identity Jane was imposing on her and walked away.