A warning given near the end of coitus, usually directed toward a female from a male
Guy having sex with girl: "I'm gonna cum!"
Girl: *Covers face or whatever else she doesn't want the splooge to get on*
245👍 55👎
"I'm gonna cum!" is what a lot of guys shout just before they reach the point of no return and blow their load.
Matt always shouts "I'm gonna cum!" just before he fills my mouth with my cocksucker's reward!
395👍 501👎
A common phrase used during the act of sex or masturbation, usually exclusively used by men. It signifies appraoching orgasm and/or ejaculation. The ending "cum" is a play on the word come, and in turn derived from the common term cum.
"Oh god! I'm gonna cum!"
454👍 210👎
A meaningful phrase used in wholesome TikTok lives and congratulating your teammates/opponents in games. It doesn't have a specific meaning just used on anything happy/wholesome.
Example 1:
Other Team Wins:
You: I'm gonna cum on you
Example 2:
TikTok live with people with disabilities and terminal illness
You: I'm gonna cum on you
Example 3:
Friend: I can't believe I beat you in that race
You: I'm gonna cum on you
14👍 5👎
A dirty way of saying surprise butt-sex.
1.Waffles: Hey Dwarfo, I'm gonna cum to your house and knock knock on the back door. If you don't answer, I'm gonna bang bang!
Dwarfo: Yeep! I hope it isn't too surprise!
2. What rapists say to little kids when they are gonna butt-rape them.
49👍 43👎
"I'm gonna cum, let me cum on your chest, will you?" Bachira whispered closely to Isagi, his breath lingering on the boy.
"I'm gonna cum, let me cum on your chest, will you?" Bachira whispered closely to Isagi, his breath lingering on the boy.
6👍 13👎