Source Code

Interbase Inheritance

An object oriented programming style employed by retards to make their code look more complicated and intellegent than it actually is. Involves extending a class and implementing an interface, both of which define a method with the same signature, and then shadowing the same method in the child class. For example:

Public Class NewBase

Private _strName as String

Public Sub New
<constructor code here>
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Name() as String
Return _strName
End Get
End Property

End Class

Public Interface INewInterface

Public ReadOnly Property Name() as String

End Interface

Public Class NewIIClass : Inherits NewBase
Implements INewInterface

Public Sub New()
End Sub

Public Shadows ReadOnly Property Name() As String ImplementsINewInterface.Name
Return MyBase.Name
End Get
End Property

End Class

"What the fuck is all this about?"
"Oh that's just my interbase inheritance code. Cool isn't it?"
"You twat"

by Neat Clean Warning Free Coders Ltd July 27, 2007