Iowa Interstate is a Class 3 Railroad running trains between Council Bluffs, Iowa and Chicago, Illinois. The Railroad uses SD38-2s, GP38-2s, ES44ACs, QJ locomotives from China, and some weird ass "slug" locomotives. The railroad line was bought from The Rock Island Railroad in 1984, and was built on the old main line stretching from Omaha to Chicago. Today they run multiple trains each day, one of the most popular trains being the CBBI (Council Bluffs-Blue Island), or BICB (Blue Island - Council Bluffs) this train usually use 2-3 locomotives for power (usually 2 ES44ACs, and sometimes a 3rd GP-38 or SD-38) And pulled Grain, Containers, and sometimes other stuff. The line is also great for insulator hunting and has an assortment of different glass.
The Iowa Interstate Railway local had IAIS 516 leading today!!!