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Irate Black Man

A prank call victim living in the suburbs of Chicago, Denardo Monroe, better known as The Irate Black Man, is a prank call victim that originated from a Joe Pesci soundboard prank call. As his name suggests, he has a very irate voice, and is black. He has become renowned for his aggressive and violent behavior, with an explosive temper and usually responds to prank calls by repeatedly making incredibly violent threats (including death threats and sexual assault threats) which are heavily-laced with ebonics, ghetto jargon, sexual intimidation, and other profanities (for example, he would mention something such as "put a bullet in yo' ass"). He is very frequently used in prank calls, and multiple soundboards were made of him. He is also a drug user, as he was smoking a joint in one of the prank calls. He claims that his whole family is on the police force and appears to be a dangerous man and, ironically, (considering his family's supposed law-enforcement background) is also a possible gang member, having referred to himself as a "gangsta" in at least one call, also when looked up on ''checkmate.com'', it says that his profile is ''graphic'' and that he has a criminal record. He is usually depicted as Ving Rhames, as he appeared in ''Pulp Fiction''.

I prank called my friend using The Irate Black Man, and that scared the heck out of him.

by Gothamcityan January 6, 2015

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