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iron assault

A game on Roblox where you form a dictatorship in shocking 360p. It's like risk but in Roblox.

Guy 1: Bruhhhh Poland is taking over my entire country

Guy 2: you playing Iron Assault?

by ElecWaffles January 6, 2021

6👍 1👎

Iron Assault

A horrible fucking game that's made by mini toon but everyone likes it for some reason.

For those who don't know this game, this game is a Roblox team-based, strategy game taking place in ww2 (Unless you changed it with map editor) where you can lead your nation. In a nutshell, it's hoi4 in Roblox but it's worse than rise of nations.

First of all, this ISN'T a real-time strategy. Real-time means no turns. There are phases in the game, one for building cities and getting units, the other is to move the units. And the final one is to attack enemy nations. But this is not "real-time", these are just turns. You are limited to certain actions for a limited time, depending on the turn. For example, if you forgot to purchase units, you had to wait a stupidity long time, while not being able to get the units you desire. It's the same if you forgot to attack during a turn, and you had to wait again.

Second of all, the phases are the worst fucking part of this game. If you did shit, and you are ready to beat a small nation, you had to wait until the "attack" phase. And during the attack phase, you can invade the small nation, assuming you declared war. But surprise surprise, it's fucking France. And they have still gotten Corsica. Even though you have a ship, you can't fucking move. You can only move if you invade enemy territory. Welcome to island hopping, wait a stupid amount of years just to finally make the country surrender.

I will stop here because ud limits me.


Iron Assault sucks. I could make a 20-minute yt video just criticizing the game alone.

by HellInferno December 25, 2021

3👍 12👎

Iron assault 2

A roblox game made by minitoon,a game long awaited

I just got invaded again

U playing iron assault 2?

by Ramosway August 27, 2022

1👍 2👎