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A term being used by all the mainstream media sources.

CNN,MSNBC,CBS,FOX NEWS, and that other news channel nobody watches.

The only mainstream media source to get real journalism, and know what's really going on in both national, and international politics, and current events. Is C-SPAN, but no one watches that either

When you see terms like this being used. It usually means we're heading for war, or they're pushing for war.

by lordblazer September 6, 2006

249πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


Islamic dictators with little regard to human life. Usually hiding under the skirt of the UN.

Saddam, Bin Laden, Quadaffi,Mugabee,Yasser Arafart ect...

by william nelson January 1, 2004

365πŸ‘ 355πŸ‘Ž


A word the Bush administration made up, in hopes that people will confuse various islamic militants (a collection of divided guerilla groups, terrorists and/or actual freedom fighters, with often radically different and sometimes opposing goals, who are not associated with any single nation. But hailing mostly from third-world nations.) with the nazi's (A single group, at the time in control of Germany, who sought to dominate Europe and its colonial empire, if not the world. Who have become synonymous with the evilist side of mankind.)

They hope that if enough people are gullible enough to swallow this they'll support the Iraq war. And believe Iraq harboured Osama or WMD's or whatever else it was supposed to be guilty off.

If enough people are stupid enough to swallow this then the rich oil barons actually controlling the Bush administration can freely plunder the mid-east, give themselves huge tax-cuts (out of the pockets of the far less affluent common man), make record profits, bust some unions and more such. Generally with intend of eventually becoming a sort of aristrocracy in a setting similar to a latin american 'banana republic' style dictatorship. By the looks of it.

The islamofascists are going to kill you! Only the Republicans can stop them! And we'll get Osama too! We think he's in Syria or Iran now! Or maybe Libanon! Fuck, we'll just invade the entire mid-east! And you pay for it! And for our third yacht! Whilst we make tons of profit from all the oil!

by Ye Grand Olde Observer September 13, 2006

142πŸ‘ 311πŸ‘Ž


A neologism used by neo-conservatives to denigrate Islamic governments.

It ignores the fact that most Islamic fundamentalists are stateless, such as Osama bin Laden. It also ignores the reality that most forms of fascism are decidedly secular militaristic enterprises.

What is usually missed is that the largest Fascist states in the Middle East are US allies, such as Suadi Arabia and Egypt. True skeptics reject the term out of hand, arguing that there is no new Hitler. Others prefer to see Bush in the role of the neo-fascist.

Them islamofascists flew planes in the world trade towers.

by Professor Keith November 8, 2004

159πŸ‘ 358πŸ‘Ž


Member of Al Quaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, or other Islamic terror group. Islamofascists follow the teachings of Islam and Adolf Hitler. They are vicious, psychopathic racists who take pleasure in killing non-Muslims, especially women and children.

The President of Iran is an Islamofascist. The world would be a better place if all Islamofascists were exterminated like rats.

by Andy Gill December 9, 2006

243πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž


One who engages in Islamofascism.

In general, Islamofascism refers to the notion that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a political ideology that in many ways resembles "fascism" (i.e. the modern common definition of fascism which equates it with totalitarianism, as opposed to the original capital-F Italian-style Fascism).

More specifically, Islamofascism is used to describe either the social structure of a society living under strict Islamic shari’a law, or the interpersonal behavior of someone who acts in accordance with true Islam.

An Islamofascist can either be an Islamic fundamentalist, or someone who uses violence or bullying tactics to impose Islamic principles on others β€” or, more bluntly, a Muslim bigot whose religious beliefs are the source of his bigotry.

Radio talkshow host Michael Savage has repeatedly claimed on air that he coined the term "Islamofascist" in his first book, and even offered a reward to anyone who could prove he was wrong. In reality "Islamo-fascism" was coined at least a decade earlier; the first known use of the term was on September 8, 1990 by journalist Malise Ruthven in a column about religion for Britain’s Independent newspaper, in which Ruthven wrote,

"Nevertheless there is what might be called a 'political problematic' affecting the Muslim world. In contrast to the heirs of some other non-Western traditions, including Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, Islamic societies seem to have found it particularly hard to institutionalize divergences politically: authoritarian government, not to say 'Islamo-fascism', is the rule rather than the exception from Morocco to Pakistan."

Since Islamofascists are fanatically devoted to their cause, and all they understand is force, they must be resisted using all available means.

by (I am) John Doe March 19, 2008

618πŸ‘ 801πŸ‘Ž


Those who engage in Islamofascism.

(see also: Islamofascist)

In general, Islamofascism refers to the notion that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a political ideology that in many ways resembles "fascism" (i.e. the modern common definition of fascism which equates it with totalitarianism, as opposed to the original capital-F Italian-style fascism).

More specifically, Islamofascism is used to describe either the social structure of a society living under strict Islamic shari’a law, or the interpersonal behavior of someone who acts in accordance with true Islam.

Islamofascists can either be Islamic fundamentalists, or those who use violence or bullying tactics to impose Islamic principles on others β€” or, more bluntly, Muslim bigots whose religious beliefs are the source of their bigotry.

Radio talk show host Michael Savage has repeatedly claimed on air that he coined the term "Islamofascist" in his first book, and even offered a reward to anyone who could prove he was wrong. In reality "Islamo-fascism" was coined at least a decade earlier; the first known use of the term was on September 8, 1990 by journalist Malise Ruthven in a column about religion for Britain’s Independent newspaper, in which Ruthven wrote,

"Nevertheless there is what might be called a 'political problematic' affecting the Muslim world. In contrast to the heirs of some other non-Western traditions, including Hinduism, Shintoism and Buddhism, Islamic societies seem to have found it particularly hard to institutionalize divergences politically: authoritarian government, not to say 'Islamo-fascism', is the rule rather than the exception from Morocco to Pakistan."

Since Islamofascists are fanatically devoted to their cause, and all they understand is force, they must be resisted using all available means. (Yes libtards, this includes counter-force).

by (I am) John Doe May 19, 2008

282πŸ‘ 497πŸ‘Ž