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It's the thing you said but at you

This is exactly why you have to take a hard stand on "mentally retarded people are retarded" See? This is me being correct again.

A literal retard "It's the thing you said but at you! Derrrrrrr!"

Hym "Literally everyone who sees this knows that they are just lying for you and we all know that you're just repeating the things I say as though it does something other than illustrate the fact that you're mentally retarded. A lot of you were crying like a bitch. Some of you did it for several years straight. This is just what happens when you let retards think they are people. I'm not going to forget. They may be willing to pretend for you but I know they are pretending. You know they are pretending. Just like your Jewish incest cult, the ritual is rendered entirely meaningless by the fact that it isn't real. And does it make you any less of a fish-faced cripple? No. Am I still the creator of AI? Yes."

by Hym Iam February 8, 2025

Do the thing you said you were going to do

Yeah, what does it look like I'm doing you anthill-fucking animal?

Idiot "Do the thing you said you were going to do!"

Hym "What about that do you think would NOT be an involved process? I'm doing it bitch. Relax. Are you going to do it? No. You suck. You want me to do it faster, skip to the end. You see how it's all about subordinating me to your whim? You see how that works?"

by Hym Iam July 17, 2023

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