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It Gets Worse

The second book written by famous auther and YouTuber, Shane Dawson. This book is second to his first book entitled "I Hate Myselfie"

Barns & Noble Employey: Hello, can I help you with something?
Customer: Yes, do you have the book "It Gets Worse" by Shane Dawson?

Do you have Shane Dawsons new book "It Gets Worse"?

by Mr Meme Definer January 19, 2018

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Get worse

verb, a command; exclamation. In either case the subject, either a person or a situation, has reached the absolute lowest point possible of evaluation. For example, if some chotch wearing capri pants spills your beer and then hits on your girlfriend, you might tell him to "get worse", or you might exclaim about the situation "Get worse!"

I told that eggfaced mark-stain to get worse... stain.

by Taft Carrdigan June 27, 2003

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get worse

To say or reply something at a level so ridiculous it's humorous. Usually said after "HOO".

The name Dane Ward (inventor of getting worse) itself can get worse.

Person one: "What if somebody hated animals in tied all the animals in the world to a railroad track made of rusty barbed wire and fire"

Person 2 may reply :"HOO get worse"

by JTK1919 October 9, 2009

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at least it can't get any worse

Something you say right before things get a lot worse.

Man: "My mom just died. Well, at least it can't get any worse!"
*Gets hit by an 18-wheeler*

by A Fish Out Of Water January 1, 2016

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Can this day get any worse?

Within the Dhar Mann cinematic YouTube, any character that mentions this or any similar phrase at the end of the video will be cursed with further bad luck for the rest of their life.

James the Waiter: Can this day get any worse?
Charlie from the IRS shows up to discuss about unfiled taxes and tips.
James the Waiter: *Screams*

- Quote from β€œWAITER WON’T SERVE Poor Looking Man”

by TheMysteryQuote May 1, 2023

get even, or get even worse

Casino slang refers to a situation where a player has lost a significant amount of money while playing slots and, instead of simply leaving, decides that the better course of action is to go to the baccarat or blackjack table and wager the exact amount of their loss on a single hand. If the player wins, they "get even"; if they lose, they "get even worse." This concept was developed by the infamous Vegas Matt.

Well, we just lost $12,000 in ten minutes; it is time to play a hand of baccarat and 'get even, or get even worse'

by mr katz November 20, 2024

get even, or get even worse

Casino slang refers to a situation where a player has lost a significant amount of money playing slots and, instead of simply going home, decides that the better course of action is to go to the baccarat or blackjack table and wager the exact amount of their loss on a single hand. If the player wins, they "get even"; if they lose, they "get even worse." This concept was developed by the infamous Vegas Matt.

"Well, we just lost $12,000 in twenty minutes--the best thing to do is go play one $12,000 hand of baccarat to get even, or get even worse.'

by mr katz November 21, 2024