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It has begun

The official start to any Mortal Kombat tournament made famous by Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung: It has begun !
Shang Tsung: We are here to fight in Mortal Kombat. Tomorrow the great Kombat begins, and now a taste of things to come.

by Robert Roisum February 26, 2008

33👍 9👎

sexy time has begun

Sexy time has begun refers to one of the two;
1) When someone wipes out a squad, team or comp in a game or comp.
2) When a Man/Woman engage in sexual intercourse with another partner.

Wow, we just wiped their entire team, sexy time has begun

by Adolf Stalin did nothing wrong March 4, 2019

4👍 3👎

sexy time has begun

1) refers to when ether you wipe out an entire squad, team or comp in any games
2) When a woman/man has entered the art of sex with a partner.

Wow, we just wiped out an entire team, I guess sexy time has begun.

by Adolf Stalin did nothing wrong March 4, 2019