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It Start

A term of Bahamian slang used in conglamoration with "Aww Flip" to declare when shit is threatening to, or is in the act popping off. Can be used in association with various aspects of life; Such as a fight breaking to you going to see that movie you been waiting for.

"Aww Flip, It Start"

"I ain ga lie, but if you do that, It Start"

"When we reach to the mall It Start, yaknow"

by Duh Boi February 19, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's a start

An ironic phrase used to describe one's reaction when events go terribly wrong. Typically used as a roast.

Friend 1: Oh fuck, she screenshotted my dick pic
Everyone else: oh, that's a start

by Old baby April 26, 2017

38๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

it started

A polictically-correct way to say the word "retarded," a la the Black Eyed Peas song "Let's Get It Started."

Tom: Oh man, Jim, I was heading to school today and I saw a BUNCH of retarded kids walking to their special school.
Teacher: Thomas Joseph Wilkins! You know not to use such language in the classroom!
Tom: Sorry, Mrs. Peterson. What happened was I saw a bunch of it started kids on the way to school. They were so it started that I went up and stole a bunch of money from each of them and they didn't even notice, and then I pushed one of them over, laughed at him, and yelled "get out of the way, it start!"
Teacher: That's much better Thomas.

by Nicholas D October 20, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

starting at

A term evil-minded sellers use to make you believe in a fake price. In reality the price is always much higher and only very few, if any, products actually have this price.

Buy Windows 7 now! Starting at 70โ‚ฌ! (Actual price 100โ‚ฌ)

by Locercus March 15, 2014


to begin

- I met this girl who is out of this world. I can't think of anything but how much I'd like to be with her.

- when do you think you'll start seeing each other?
- hopefully not too long from now

by Youretoogoodtobetrue June 13, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


that little button in the bottom left of the screen

Click here to begin.

by d-block October 24, 2003

124๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.) To begin, to intice.

2.) Used to begin fights, races, sexual intercourse.... you know, it's used to begin just about anything.


Umm, don't you mean "Go?"

by Manawski March 7, 2003

72๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž