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italian person

1. A very healthy person with a well-balanced diet, plenty of sensory interaction the surrounding environment, muscular facial features and very furry eyebrows.

2. Any character on the television show "Sesame Street."

3. One who speaks one's opinions extremely loudly, is easily converted to feminism and similar ideals, and is suspected of doing drugs by thighmaster authority figures.

4. An amazingly sexy boy with irresistible, uber-manly stubble who still can't clear a height of 5'3".

1. I'm straight, but I'm still attracted to Italian boys. They're just so juicy and luscious. I want one in my room.

2. BERT: Hey, Ernie. Are you feeling Italian today?

ERNIE: You bet I am, Bert, That's why I'm so adorable and fuzzy, and why my voice sounds all silly and squeaky.

BERT: Shut up and kiss me.

3. Jordan is Italian. He can solve one face of a Rubix cube. He wears a hoodie. Mr. Adair does not trust him. Jordan once accidentally converted himself to feminism while giving a powerpoint on medieval gender roles. I know of at least three other Italian feminists, and I plan to become one when I grow up.

4. That Italian person is so hot. I wish he and I were a gay couple, and he played the man. Too bad he's two feet shorter than me.

by Bertoffski January 2, 2008

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