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The cowardly act of hiding in a corner, and waiting for someone to pass you by so that you may proceed to attack unnoticed and from behind. The tactic is generally chosen by those of lesser skill, as they are afraid to attack head on, as the chances for survival drop to almost 0. Those that employ this combative technique generally do not endear themselves to others and have a bad habit of complaining about any little thing that does not go their way.

- Oh man, I rounded the corner and the dude friggen Jway'ed me. He must have been out of the play for like 5 minutes sitting there just waiting for someone to come by.

- a: Ohhhhhh, you just got jway'ed. Time to drink up. You know the deal, you get killed by jway and you drink a shot.

b: Good thing hes off camping random corners instead of playing the game properly or I might end up wasted off my ass.

- Hahaha you just got jway'ed kid. If I were you, I'd probably just find a new hobby because being killed by him is embarrassing.

by nugpoT April 27, 2010

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