Source Code


Contraction of "Jewish Retard".

Jewish + Retard = Jewtard.

Ayan: Hey, I just need one more penny. Care to spare yours?
Noah: I'm sorry, but I need it! I'm saving for a rainy day!
Ayan: Ughh... Jewtard.

by Carlos Astudillo January 31, 2005

153๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mentally retarded Jewish person.

Timmy: Daaah, I like matzah baaalls!
Paul: Who's that?
Dave: That's Timmy. You know, that retarded Jewish guy?
Paul: Oh yah... he's a jewtard

by ultralordofweed April 3, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


not to be mistaken as a slanderous term. a combined meaning of FUCKTARD and DOUCHETWAT. used to describe someone sooo incredible stupid that you not only feel dumber for being near them, but wonder how nature could have possibly fucked up so bad as to let something like this actaully survive. you often get the urge to 'fix' natures problem before this 'person' can infect and destroy humanity.

NOT INTENDED AS AN ANTI-SEMENTIC INSULT...the first 3 letters are actually the initials of the first guy to earn the name.

WOW!!! what a jewtard. its amasing anyone that dumb can even remember to breath.

by Oxman85 January 29, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


A retarded Jew.

A Jew with no money. They gotta be retarded if they're broke and Jewish.

That nigga is a jewtard.

by Jewsus Chrizzist May 11, 2008

65๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Essentially, a jewish retard.

However a jew's body works diffrentley than it does with us, normal people.

A jew needs 3 things to stay alive.

Air : Lots of it, explains the big nose.
Jew Gold

Essentially a Jewtard is just a Jew who doesn't have one of those.

A poor Jew is a Jewtard
A Jew with a small nose is a Jewtard
A Jew hoe doesn't have his gold, is a Jewtard.

by Noobowners May 10, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person of Jewish decent who is bad with money

Mr. Goldberg called his nephew Joel a Jewtard after he fucked up the freitag account

by mar20095 June 4, 2016

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Combination of "Jew" and "Retard". Horribly offensive, racist and always derogatory.

Matt, you're such a jewtard.
Matt is so jewtarded.

by TheDuece June 15, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž