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john money

A mad scientist pedophile who performed brutal human experimentation on two young boys, one which was intersex, that involved torture, child rape, grooming, and more. He also published many papers which lead to the creation of the current theories of gender identity (which have been mostly proven correct as of 2020, in spite of the creator of the theory's crimes against humanity) and got away with all of his atrocious crimes against humanity. He tried to get the intersex child that he tortured (that identified as male) to believe he was female as part of his "experiments." but in the end the child took on a male identity upon reaching adulthood. Meanwhile, John Money made a ridiculous amount of money from his many research papers and books on gender identity and sociology, and died rich and happy, not paying for any of the atrocious crimes he committed. Sociologists and Sexologists still quote his studies to this day, despite them being not as valuable due to the actual outcome of his work, with future studies on transgenderism being much more successful. Many people on the alt right today use the existence of Money being the creator of the idea of gender identity as a way to discredit the transgender and LGBT community and spread transphobia. These claims are unfounded, because no matter how atrocious Money's experiments were, he was still the one who created a useful theory that has been proven to be true time and time again by multiple future studies.

"john money was a pedophile and performed human experimentation and caused two boys to kill themselves! He was the one who came up the idea of gender identity! Therefore trans people don't deserve rights! Take that libtards!"
"Actually, while john money was a terrible person, his contributions to the study of transgenderism is indisputable. Take that MAGAtard!"

by KrimsonKatt December 20, 2020

16👍 46👎

Dr. John Money

The father of modern gender theory. This LGBTbullshit is derived from his work. Not surprisingly, he was a pedohile. Looks up what he did to the Reimer twins.

"If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way."

-Dr. John Money

by SeetheAndDilate January 16, 2022

31👍 6👎

John Money

A boogeyman name the right always drops in an attempt to invalidate trans research, while ignoring that John Money agreed with them and thought people could be turned trans, believing it to be a social phenomenon out of control. In short, right-wingers agree with John Money and his outdated views.

Pro-tip: namedropping is NOT an argument! Confront what's addressed instead of being a nuisance. And btw, Ray Blanchard is a fraud and he forgot to properly control against cis women in his attempts to prove his AGP rubbish.

Biologist: "Contemporary research has left us with vast amounts of empirical evidence that corroborate a biological stratification between the two concepts of sex and gender. This has resulted in us bettering our understanding of said phenomena and falsification of the flawed Blanchardian typology, and so on, so forth."

Matt Walsh: "Ok but there was a guy called John Money and he made lots of money and he was a SEXOLOGIST. JOHN MONEY, PEOPLE. JOHN MONEY BAD"

Dumbass: "This guy is perfectly sane and so smart! More people should be like Matt Walsh! Rage against the reptile lizard globalist regime! By the way, they're putting fluorine in the water!"

Wojak below is a perfect representation of a seething right-winger (e.g. Matt Walsh) having to resort to namedropping John Money to fearmonger because he has no valid argument.

by AgainstTransHate September 24, 2024