José is someone amazing . Someone , that I stare at whenever I get the chance to . He can make you happy when you’re in the darkest of times and cheer you up when you’ve heard the darkest of words . He’s special , unique , one-of-a-kind and accepts all and everyone no matter their differences , as long as he knows they’re good people . He’s someone you love so much , yet , you get so scared to tell him , when you look at his charming face . No matter if he’s your friend , your sibling or , your lover , keep him close to you . José usually enjoys drawing , and math . He is a little dumpy on his skills and tends to put them down , saying he’s useless , when he’s not . He doesn’t know how amazing and wonderful he is .
He usually has brown hair , and big brown eyes . And , he stares , but only when he’s in love .
113👍 14👎
A friend's drunk alter-ego.
Me: Hey cool time at the party last night!
Steve: I wasn't there, you must be talking about José
31👍 10👎
A guy who may be smart but can't be trusted when it comes to complex math like calculus and trigonometry. He is funny and makes you laugh at some jokes with dark humor. He can be someone you tell your secrets to before your closest friends.
Guy: José is a cool dude.
Girl: He really is, but he gave me the wrong math equation, again.
23👍 6👎
People who have this name pronounced "ho-zay" are generally OK people. But people who have this name pronounced "Joe-zay" are absolute KINGS. You'll remember meeting a "joe-zay" because you probably fell in love with him the moment he opened his mouth and you heard him speak in his unreasonably sexy accent (as he tells you it's actually pronounced "joe-zay". José's tend to be tall (over 6'), tan and muscular with a body that would make a god jealous. They often have no distinct hair or eye color (almost like all hair and eye colors appear at the same time, no identifiable or distinct color showing through). Just when you start to catch your breath after taking in the physical beauty and sexiness of a José, you're awestruck again by their even more perfect personality. José's are the most charismatic people you will ever meet, they tend to be sociable and speak in such a way that makes you feel like the most interesting and important person in the world. José's absolutely radiate a joy and their positive vibe is unmatched. Not only that, but Josés are intelligent. They have a unique and brilliant mind that somehow finds the perfect balance between common sense and openness for adventure. If you encounter a José, you're bound to form an attachment to them that will not only bring joy and happiness into your life, but also restore your faith in humanity and give you the incentive to better your own self. Josés are the greatest people to be born of mortal flesh.
Anyone would want José to be their best friend/boyfriend.
4👍 4👎
A very common name used in South America, Spain, Central America, Caribbean Island, and Mexico. (A name is for a Hispanic/Latino Male.)
My name is José and i'm from Venezuela.
45👍 21👎
A fucktard that sucks hella dick and is a weapon, he takes bricks to school and laughs like a dumbass while at the same time loving any girl with a dick.
“Hey josé, don’t you want izzy’s Dick
21👍 26👎
An annoying little b*tch who won't stop dancing and singing in Spanish.
Geez, he's acting like a José today!
12👍 20👎