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Jack Daniels

A quality distilled liquor made from a "mash" and natural spring water. Liquid gold that is commonly referred to as hillbilly idiot juice and liquid panty remover.

If alcohol is a crutch, Jack Daniels is a wheelchair.

by dammit janet October 22, 2004

1043๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

A drink that incites drunk baby-making. Chavs take it with Coca-Cola to hide the taste becuse they can't handle it.

"Aye pass me some of that Jack Daniels. My girlfriend has been quite reluctant to give me anything to look forward to so this should seal the deal"

by moreweedthanbobmarley December 27, 2016

29๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

Hard liqour made in Tennesee and sold throughout the world. Known for its awesome taste and supreme alcohol content. Also gets girls naked ALOT easier.

I drank a whole bottle of jack daniels and died after fucking that slutty chick.

by Eric January 7, 2005

682๐Ÿ‘ 218๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

A non-topical medicine that can heal many external injuries. Best results are given when ingested through the mouth.

"You got pretty beaten up last night. I just got this medicine from a good fellow named Dr. Daniels, although his friends call him Jack."

"Excellent, Jack Daniels. Bottoms up"

by Gran Torino July 26, 2009

262๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

A whiskey that manages to be both the best and worst drink ever conceived. This is due to its good taste and relatively low price. However it will frequently make you do things that you would regret if you could remember. May also make you wake up without clothes. Friends will usually forgive you for your actions.

Doug: Dude, fuck you. I hate you for what you did last night.
Alex: What did I do? And where the fuck are my pants?
Doug: Sorry. I forgot you had Jack Daniels last night.

by Chaos8803 April 12, 2008

343๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

A not particularly fantastic yet exceedingly popular whiskey. I find that it's most drinkable induced straight in copious amounts, which will lead to an absolute cunt of a hangover often accompanied by partial memory loss; however, it appears to be most popular in Coca Cola or on the rocks. Take it how you like it - Jack Daniels is not a drink to be savoured, unlike a good single malt whisky like Laphroaig or a traditional Kentucky Bourbon like Van Winkle.

Jack Daniels is not a Bourbon but a "Tennessee sour-mash" because it employs the extra process of charcoal mellowing to add flavour, which some consider cheating the system. Incidentally, a bourbon can be made anywhere in the United States, not just Bourbon in Kentucky.

Jack Daniels is conspicuously advertised in film. Other notable examples of drinks that appear to be advertised in everything from the latest Hollywood drivel to your favourite American sitcom are Bombay Sapphire gin; Hennessy and Remy Martin Cognac; Grey Goose vodka; Dom Perignon and Veuve Clicquot Champagne.

1) I'm fucking depressed and I'm skint, so I'm going to drink a bottle of Jack Daniels and pass out on the floor.

2) I'm very suggestible and/or new to drinking, so "I'll have a JD and coke please barkeep".

3) Did you see 'Scent of a Woman'? What a load of shite. The entire plot revolved around Jack Daniels, or "John Daniels" as the protagonist affectionately called it.

by Neil Fox December 2, 2006

173๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jack Daniels

A Tennessee Sour-mash Whiskey. The number one drink of the Rock n' Roll lifestyle. Possibly the only good thing to ever come out of Tennessee, drank for it's distinct taste and it's ability to make grown men cry. Jack Daniels has a 40% alcohol volume and is a great drink for parties.

"Ah Jack Daniels is great! You wake up in a ditch somewhere!"

by Miss-Now-Diabolical April 10, 2007

97๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž