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Jack Stauber

an underrated YouTube musical artist who makes content that can be compared to your brain on drugs

jack stauber is best boi

by subscribe to pewdiepie, kids February 1, 2019

162πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Jack Stauber

the guy who sings in enchanting table.

person: oh hey whos jack stauber again?
other person: the guy who talks in enchanting table

by wall is made out of wall November 17, 2020

60πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Jack Stauber

A person who makes vhs music videos!Its like weird core dream core and stuff like that.
But what mucsic video do u lke from his?

Girl: Omg is that Jack stauber?! I Like his music video called two time!
Guy:Umm Who is Jack Stauber?...

by πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆγƒƒ._Yuri_.γƒƒπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ March 8, 2022

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Jack stauber

Jack Stauber is THE MOST underrated artist out there, who deserves to be known by the universe
He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and he’s known for his AMAZING vhs style videos and his ICONIC beard

Person 1: Do u prefer Jack Stauber’s Tea Errors or Dead Weight?

by i hate me September 8, 2019

84πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Jack Stauber

A wonderful, underrated music artist that publishes weirdcore/ dream core music and it’s wonderful. Please listen to his music you will have no regrets
Sadly he takes random breaks often, so new music is rare, but I respect his decisions
He also has a YouTube channel that posts videos with deep meanings, getting into it would be a good idea

If you listen to his videos a lot and listen to a lot of his music it will seem less strange, don’t call people weird for enjoying his masterpieces

He also created Benny worm, a wonderful video that changed lives, you will see a part of it in the gif

A - I finished my 2 hour Jack Stauber playlist
B - Who’s Jack?
A - :(

by Commander Cat March 1, 2024