Source Code

Jackie Robinson

When a man is getting oral sex from a girl while his friend(s) hide under the bed, in the closet, etc. After the man is finished, he has the option of exclaiming the code words "damn girl!" at which point the hidden friend(s) come out of hiding. The man then denies that he knew they were there.

Taylor almost got his ass kicked after he pulled a Jackie Robinson on that nasty black girl from school.

by Jua Jua December 28, 2011

43👍 21👎

Jackie Robinsoned

To have sex with a white girl who makes it a point to never Fuck black guys

"Dude, I didn't know Sarah fucked black guys."
"She doesn't. Marcus just Jackie Robinsoned that bitch."

by Taco_ December 11, 2016

jackie robinson

To date women of a different race.

Bennie went sarging last night and went jackie robinson with a fine hispanic woman.

by victorfrankel April 13, 2008

10👍 21👎