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Jackson Heights

Like its said before โ€œthe illezt โ€œ town in NYC. A place you never seemed to be really bored. A place where every damn race or ethnicity seems to converge. Broken up into three sections, The Indian/Asian part, The Whitey Part, and The Hispanic part and youโ€™ve been to all three. With a rival stores within a block range from each other like BK and McDonalds on the same damn block. Where your proud to show your true colors and proud to tell everyone where you came from. Living here its most likely that you have friends who are Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Black and White. Here we got the best food out of ANYWHERE, cause Bitch we got EVERY kind of food here! Here, you can be who ever you want to be, Gansta, Skater, Goth or just normal, doesnโ€™t matter! Here is where you make the best memories of your life. We have the best of the best, no doubt bout that.

Guy: Yo bitch, where you from?
Girl: Jackson Heights motherfucker!
Guy: Dayum!

by Tommy (the silly bitch) November 15, 2006

257๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

jackson heights

illezt town in nyc

omg i want to fucken move to jackson heights

by gunz September 5, 2003

78๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jackson Heights

A neighborhood in the borough of Queens, New York. A lot of races converge here, hispanics, Indians, white people, etc. The food is awesome, although the subway isn't always that good. It's not too expensive to live here, and almost anyone can fit in, just don't be a bitch and you'll find yourself nicely around this neighborhood. It's quite busy in the afternoons, and sometimes late night, but you'll get used to it.

person 1. Hey, did you see that guy? He lives in Jackson Heights.
person 2. Damn man, I've always wanted to live there. I heard its very nice and diverse!

by JustYourFootballFan January 5, 2024