Jadran is a rare male name which is oftenly associated with charismatic, social, optimistic, hilarious and life of the party kind of people. Jadran is a nickname given to people with traits listed above. (examples 1 & 2)
They are a complete opposite of a Karen or a Felicia ~ who are female labels for serious and unwanted, drama-loving b*tches.
It can also be used as an adjective (see example 3)
person 1: "This party is so dead"
person 2: "Yeah I wish Jadran was here"
person 1: "Did you see how lit Billy was yesterday?"
person 2: "Yeah, he was totally Jadran!"
person 1: "This furniture is so outdated!"
person 2: "Yeah, I wish they jadraned it a bit!"
a syndrom when a man (that specifically trains there) thinks he's superior to others and has the right to play with women like toys
CEO of 🥺
unfortunately, the ball is not the only thing they play with! girls beware!
“He told me I am the only girl he talks to”
“He cheated” “Dude what did you expect, he trains waterpolo in Jadran..Jadran syndrom...”
🎶Baloncici baloncici uaua🎶
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