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James Nielssen

A slang term used to define people of great social wealth, class, popularity, and overall greatness. If you are called a James Nielssen it is a HUGE compliment and you will want to remember that forever. They are commonly know so socialize with people called "erk"s, who are also very dominant around the socialogical "watering hole". If a person is called this, they are usually great at everything to do, and you have yet to find one bad thing about them. They are compared to God in many political and social debates, and have almost been banned by the U.N because too many people were committing suicide, due to the fact that they knew they could never be a James Nielssen.

Erk: Wow, this guy is great, i guess ill call him James Nielssen.
Derek: Thats a great idea! He must be perfect in every way.
Jacob: Obviously.

by erkthejerk3499 October 28, 2010

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