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January 22nd

People born on January 22nd tend to be very awkward, but kind and welcoming. They always want hugs! And even though they are born in in the dead of winter they probably hate the cold. They can be kinda clumsy.
People born on this day love big families, and are very generous.

January 22nd falls into the sign of Aquarius although it is in the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp.

Person 1: guess my birthday
Person 2: January 22nd
Person 1: omg how did you know gimme a hug.

by BigDicBowser October 30, 2019

75👍 21👎

January 22nd

National tell your bsf you love them

I love you best friend, ITS january 22nd!

by January 22, 2021

January 22nd

make it official with your “situationship” day! The day when you ask the person that you’re in a situationship with, to be your bf/gf

Person1 :As it’s January 22nd, can i ask you something?
Person2: What?
Person1: Will you be my bf/gf?

by ✨♏️ January 21, 2023

January 22nd

National Kiss Sara Day

Micheal: is that a Sara? I have to kiss her since its January 22nd!
Chad: if you kiss her you are lucky.

by cheesy nuts January 22, 2022

January 22nd

National hookup with your ex day.

If you have an ex you have to hookup with them or you’re going to hell

Tom: dude i miss her so much
Mich: bro today’s national kiss your ex day
Tom: thank god for January 22nd

by Dumbledorethewizard January 21, 2020

10👍 18👎

January 22nd

The day the most beautiful man in the world died. His talents, accent, smile, and potential will be missed but remembered forever.

Guy: Well, there's an opening at the chapel on January 22nd.
Girl: NO!
Guy: What, why?
Girl: Because we're watching the Patriot that day so I can watch Heath Ledger die a patriotic death and pretend it's what really happened!

by CheyZan January 20, 2009

18👍 39👎

january 22nd

tell your boyfriend you love him day

girl: it’s january 22nd
boy: oh yeah
girl: i love you
boy: love you too

by pseyhum January 22, 2022