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Jeff Epstein

A presumed to be dead financier who invested heavily into bitcoin, the anarcho-capatalist digi-currency. He is also a pedophile, fart-sniffer, and likes to have his balls tugged and pulled by grotesque fat degenerates. Let us not forget, former president Bill "The Dude" Clinton flew on his plane over 20 times along with other various left-wing liberal hollywood shills such as Tom Hanks, Jimmy Kimmel, Steven Colbert and others. I would like to also add that it is very possible he is not dead and instead on a plane headed to Argentina. Jeff was know for many things, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that he was a big jerk.

Jeff Epstein was a crazy motherfucker and if he is alive should have his penis ripped off.

by Spic Dickuloid July 13, 2020

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